Wig Services

Create confidence through beauty

At Robert Laurence Salon Spa Barber, we realize the difficulty in dealing with hair loss and makeup challenges. As caring professionals, we can help by offering:

  • A comfortable, private setting
  • A first-time complimentary interactive consultation
  • Choice of natural or synthetic hair
  • Resources for ordering wig styles and colors
  • Custom hand-tied highlights, lowlights and professional cut that best resembles your own hair
  • Wig alterations to assure the most comfortable fit
  • Instruction on wig maintenance
  • Supplies for homecare of wigs
  • Cleaning and maintenance services

Insurance may cover the cost of the wig. We will supply you with a receipt for your insurance submission. Please bring a photograph of your hairstyle so we can closely match the color and desired style. Feel free to bring a family member or friend.

Cosmetic challenges can be a side effect of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. To help, we offer:

  • Cosmetic consultations
  • Makeup lessons
  • Cosmetic solutions for eyelash and brow loss

We offer massage therapy and stress-relieving facials to help comfort and heal. Our licensed massage therapist and esthetician offer professional services in a private setting.

“Since 1998, I have made custom wigs for cancer patients. The finished product has provided comfort, a sense of control and an elevation in self-esteem to these clients. Each wig is carefully shaped and fitted to their specific needs. Highlighting, lowlighting, and even gray strands of hair are hand-tied into the wig, helping to achieve a natural look.

I developed my wig-making skills serving as Wigmaster for the Milwaukee Repertory Theater since 1990. My artistry and attention to detail make my service unique.”

-Kevin McElroy, Co-proprietor, Robert Laurence Salon Spa Barber

Please call for an appointment today. The results extend far beyond the wig.